News & Announcements
April 2023 Session Minutes
Theresa Presbyterian Church Session Meeting April 17, 2023 Held in the Fellowship Hall Present: Michelle Trickey, Patti LaClair, Anne Eggleston, Kim Martusewicz, Suzanne Stanley, Lisa O’Driscoll, Reginald Stanley, and Moderator Rev. Shea Zellweger Absent:
*Rev. Shea Zellweger opened the meeting with prayer at 6:00pm Covenant of Leadership Approval of the Minutes: *The minutes from the regular session meeting March 20, 2023 - M-Michelle Trickey/S-Suzanne Stanley/A Clerk’s Report: Communion: 27 people received Communion on Sunday, April 2, 2023. 30 people attended church. There were no gains or losses. Moderator’s Report (Including Presbytery News, if any):
*Stated Presbytery Meeting was held March 23, 2023 at Hammond Presbyterian Church. Pastor Zellweger shared that resolutions are voted on every two years. There were 33 resolutions ratified. The book of discipline was rewritten. Correspondence:
*Lisa O’Driscoll is working on the May Newsletter and Calendar.
*The Theresa Fire Department has asked for volunteers from the church to help serve dinner at their Annual Fireman’s Banquet which is being held Saturday, April 29th at 5pm. Financial Report: *Report from Patti - See attached reports.
*Barbara Cook shared that the annual audit will be conducted. Barbara Cook will be going on vacation in May and June. Karen Hegeman will have the manual checkbook.
*Patti LaClair has decided she will not be paid for work she is doing. Buildings and Grounds Committee: Report from Anne - Work Day - April 29th from 9am-1pm. A list needs to be created for work to be done so volunteers know. Anne is going to ask Henry to create a list to do for the Manse.
*Report from Michelle *No Pastor Shea or Dan Osborne for Sunday, April 23rd. Pastor Kerri Weldon and Organist Kathy Buell will be subbing. Kathy Buell will also be subbing for Dan April 30th and May 7th. *A beautiful Maundy Thursday worship at TPC along with the Hammond choir joining us. Easter Service was lovely. Thank you Michelle and Suzanne for the beautiful flowers in the Sanctuary. Christian Education:
*Report from Lisa - VBS committee is preparing for a fun week. August 7-11, 2023 Mission Outreach Committee: *Report from Suzanne *The Clerk of Session is going to ask the Girl Scouts and Progress Group if they would be interested in doing a non-perishable food drive for the blessing box. M-Michelle Trickey/S-Suzanne Stanley/A all reports Old Business:
*John O’Driscoll is going to be meeting with John Middlestate about snow removal on Sunday, April 23rd at 10:00am. *John O’Driscoll is going to ask Dave Wilcox if he is mowing both the church and the manse or just the church.
*Cleaning person: Rebekah Crego’s background check is complete and Lisa O’Driscoll is meeting with her Thursday, April 20th at 10:30am. She will be paid $15.00 per hour and can work up to 3 hours per week.
*April 30, 2023 Reginald Stanley will be ordained and Kim Martusewicz, Anne Eggleston, and Lisa O’Driscoll will be installed during church service.
*Patti LaClair is handing over the Proclaim creation to Michelle Trickey.
*Transition Team will be meeting May 1, 2023. Individuals on the transition team are: Pastor Zellweger, Kim Martusewicz, Ryan Schneider, Brooke Gutowski, and Cheri Trickey.
New Business: *Ada Norton Estate - TPC will be receiving approx. $75,000 dollars from her Estate. Next Session Meeting: Regular Session meeting is May 15, 2023 at 6:00pm. Motion to pray and adjourn M-Michelle Trickey/S-Patti LaClair/A Anne Egglestion closed with prayer at 6:47pm. Respectfully submitted by, Lisa O’Driscoll - Clerk of Session