News & Announcements

Session Minutes June 19, 2023


Theresa Presbyterian Church

 Session Meeting June 19, 2023

Held in the Fellowship Hall 

Present: Michelle Trickey, Patti LaClair, Kim Martusewicz, Suzanne Stanley, and Moderator Rev. Shea Zellweger

Absent: Anne Eggleston, Lisa O’Driscoll, Reginald Stanley

*Rev. Shea Zellweger opened the meetin...

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May 15, 2023 Session Minutes


Theresa Presbyterian Church

Minutes from Session Meeting May 15, 2023

Held in the Fellowship Hall


Present: Michelle Trickey, Patti LaClair, Kim Martusewicz, Reginald Stanley, and Moderator Rev. Shea Zellweger

Absent: Lisa O’Driscoll, Suzanne Stanley, Anne Eggleston

*Rev. Shea Zellweger op...

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