News & Announcements

May 15, 2023 Session Minutes


Theresa Presbyterian Church

Minutes from Session Meeting May 15, 2023

Held in the Fellowship Hall


Present: Michelle Trickey, Patti LaClair, Kim Martusewicz, Reginald Stanley, and Moderator Rev. Shea Zellweger

Absent: Lisa O’Driscoll, Suzanne Stanley, Anne Eggleston

*Rev. Shea Zellweger opened the meeting with prayer at 6:01pm

Covenant of Leadership

Approval of the Minutes:

*The minutes from the regular session meeting April 17, 2023 -  M-Patti LaClair/S-Reginald Stanley/A

Clerk’s Report: 

Communion:  26 people received Communion on Sunday, May 7, 2023.

There were no gains or losses.

Moderator’s Report (Including Presbytery News, if any):   

Pastor Shea has begun meeting with the transition team, orientation was completed, team had begun interviewing members of the church for an oral history. They will meet again the first week of June to assemble a timeline to move forward.

June stated meeting of the Presbytery will be at the Potsdam Church, Pastor Shea will be offering the sermon.


*Lisa O’Driscoll is working on the June Newsletter and Calendar. Lisa sent a thank you to the Theresa Fire Department thanking them for the $722 dollar donation to VBS. 

Financial Report:

*Report from Patti - See attached reports.

Barbara will be on vacation and arrangements have been made for any financial concerns while she is off.

Buildings and Grounds Committee:

Report from Anne - Work Day - April 29th from 9am-1pm. Lots of “cleaning out”.

Thank you to John O’Driscoll for assisting with transporting items to the recycling center as part of the clean up day.


*Report from Michelle – nothing new to report

 Christian Education:

*Report from Lisa - VBS committee is preparing for a fun week. August 7-11, 2023 *Children’s church's last day is June 25, 2023 and we will start up again September 10, 2023.

Mission Outreach Committee:

*Report from Suzanne *Girl Scouts are interested in collecting non-perishable food items.  Contact person is Tricia Pierce (315) 854 5868

M-Kim Martusewicz /S-Patti LaClair/A all reports

Old Business:

Anne Eggleston needs to be installed as a ruling elder.

Discussion of ways to improve/increase communication within the church. Solution ideas: add a session corner of the monthly newsletter, consider resuming fellowship time after service, archive the session minutes on the website or in the bulletin, add to the proclaim announcements.       

New Business:

Reginald may need assistance with financial secretary duties. Will look at a solution to this. Possibly fewer bank deposits throughout the month.  

Next Session Meeting:  

Regular Session meeting is June 19, 2023 at 6:00pm.

Motion to pray and adjourn M-Michelle Trickey/S-Reginald Stanley/A

Michelle Trickey closed with prayer at 7:19pm

Respectfully submitted by,

Lisa O’Driscoll - Clerk of Session

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